Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery (Dec 2015)
The Evaluation of Effective Risk Factors for Foot skin in Diabetic Patients
Abstract Introduction: Foot ulceration is one of the most serious and disabling complications of Diabetes Mellitus and identification of risk factors affecting foot ulcer can prevent it from causing irreparable consequences. Objective: Therefore the aim of this study was to comparing the situation of the foot skin in diabetic patients with and without foot ulcers. Methods: In this cross - sectional study of 355 diabetic patients referred to Razi Hospital in 2013 were randomly selected based on a questionnaire consisted of four parts: demographic profiles, clinical characteristics, skin situations and diabetic foot, by a trained nurse were studied. History of the disease based on Charlson Co morbidity Index and foot ulcers by Wagner ulcer classification system were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups of foot ulcer and non-ulcer and each of the variables were compared between these two groups. We used Chi square test and logistic regression analysis to compare some variables. P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Based on these findings, 16.1% had foot ulcers. Dry skin with no sweating, pallor, fisher, edema, impaired growing toe nails in the group with ulcer was (89.47%, 42.1%, 26.31%, 21.05%, and 64.91%) and in the group without ulcer was (73.48%, 35.9%, 11.74%, 12.08%, and 48.65%). There is significant correlation between foot ulcers and dry skin (p=0.01), fissure (p=0.004) and impaired growth toenail (p=0.02).Risk of foot ulcers in people with dry skin 3.07 times, the people of Fisher 2.68 times in people with impaired growth and toenails 1.95 times higher. Conclusion: Since skin problems affecting the foot ulcer, nurses by identifying risk factors played a role in the prevention and treatment of foot ulcers.