Improving of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy VT23 due to Impact-Oscillatory Loading and the Use of Carbon Nano-Solution
Mykola Chausov,
Oleg Khyzhun,
Janette Brezinová,
Pavlo Maruschak,
Andrii Pylypenko,
Jozef Brezina,
Katarína Buzová,
Kostiantyn Lopat’ko
Mykola Chausov
Department of Mechanics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, HeroivOborony str.15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
Oleg Khyzhun
Institute for Problems of Materials Science National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Krzhizhanovsky str.3, Ukraine, 03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
Janette Brezinová
Department of Engineering Technologies and Materials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Košice, Mäsiarska 74, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Pavlo Maruschak
Department of Industrial Automation, Ternopil National Ivan Puľuj Technical University, Ruska str. 56, 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine
Andrii Pylypenko
Department of Mechanics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, HeroivOborony str.15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
Jozef Brezina
1st Surgical Clinic of Faculty of Medicine PavolJozefŠafárik University in Košice and University Hospital of L. Pasteur in Košice, 04022 Košice, Slovakia
Katarína Buzová
1st Surgical Clinic of Faculty of Medicine PavolJozefŠafárik University in Košice and University Hospital of L. Pasteur in Košice, 04022 Košice, Slovakia
Kostiantyn Lopat’ko
Department of Mechanics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, HeroivOborony str.15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
Improvement in the mechanical properties of sheet two-phase high-strength titanium alloy VT23 due to impact-oscillatory loading and the use of carbon nanosolutions at room temperature was tested experimentally. It was shown that in addition to obtaining a significant increase in the initial plastic deformation of the alloy, it is possible to strengthen the surface layers of the alloy by a factor of 8.4% at a time via the impulse introduction of energy into the alloy and the use of carbon nanosolutions. Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), it was first found that strengthening of the surface layers of the titanium alloy at a given load, in line with using a carbon nanosolution, leads to the formation of a mixture of titanium oxide and titanium carbide or oxycarbide of type TiO2−xCx on the surface.