Jurnal Teknik (Apr 2019)
Sifat Fisik Paving Block Komposit sebagai Lapis Perkerasan Bebas Genangan Air (Permeable Pavement)
ABSTRAK Peningkatan pembangunan menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya daerah resapan air. Hal ini dapat mengganggu sistem hidrologi dan menyebabkan banjir ketika musim hujan. Alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut digunakan suatu inovasi paving block komposit yang merupakan perpaduan antara paving block dan beton porous. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan beton porous terhadap sifat fisik paving block komposit yaitu densitas, absorbsi dan laju infiltrasi. Paving block komposit dirancang memiliki kemampuan meloloskan air dan mutu yang baik. Paving block komposit diisi dengan beton porous dengan variasi diameter 1 ½”, 2”, 2 ½” dan 3”. Paving block komposit yang digunakan berbentuk segi enam, dengan ukuran sisi 100 mm dan tebal 80 mm. Nilai FAS dari campuran paving block dan beton porous adalah 0,4 dan 0,3 sedangkan perbandingan semen dan agregat adalah 1 : 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin bertambahnya persentase beton porous pada paving block semakin rendah nilai densitas dan absorbsi. Disisi lain, paving block komposit yang memiliki kuat tekan tertinggi memiliki laju infiltrasi terendah. Nilai optimum laju infiltrasi paving block komposit sebesar 2,78 mm/s dengan kuat tekan 20,8 MPa. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa inovasi paving block komposit dapat dijadikan sebagai lapis perkerasan yang memiliki kemampuan meloloskan air (permeable pavement). Kata Kunci: absorbsi, densitas, laju infiltrasi, paving block komposit ABSTRACT The development in construction has led to the reduction of water catchment area. This situation could disrupt the hydrological system and caused floods during rainy season. An alternative to overcome this this issue is the use of paving block composite; which isthe combination of concrete paving block and porous concrete. This research aims to study effect of the addition of porous concrete to the physical properties of paving block composite, e.g : the density, the absorption and the infiltration rate. The specimen was designed to have the ability to escape the water and and maintain its quality in good condition. The specimen was filled with the porous concrete with the variation of diameter of 1½”, 2”, 2½”, and 3”. The specimen was a six-sides polygon, with the length of each size of 100 mm and the thick of 80 mm. The water ratio of concrete paving block and the porous concrete were 0.4 and 0.3, respectively while the composition of cement and aggregate for each was 1 : 3. The results showed that the higher the porous concrete used in paving block the lower the value of its density and its absorption. On the other hand, higher compressive strength resulted in lower infiltration rate of the composite paving block. The optimum infiltration rate of 2,78 mm/s was achieved on the specimen with the compressive strengthof 20,8 MPa. Based on the results of testing, it can be concluded that the innovation of composite paving blocks has good quality and has the ability to escape water, making it possible to reduce waterlogging. Keywords: absorption, density, infiltration rate, composite paving blocks