Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada (Dec 2024)
Relationship between menarche age and parity with the incidence of uterine myomas
Background: Uterine myomas, or fibroids, are one of the most common benign tumors that occur in women of reproductive age, with a reasonably high prevalence worldwide. However, rarely, potentially malignant uterine myomas can cause a variety of health problems, including excessive menstruation, pelvic pain, fertility disorders, and pregnancy complications. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between menarche age and parity with the incidence of uterine myoma. Methods: Types and design of research the plan used in this exploration is quantitative exploration with a case control approach. Sampel berjumlah 138 responden masing-masing 102 ibu yang mengalami mioma uteri dan 36 ibu yang tidak mengalami efek buruk mioma uteri. Results: The test results measured using the chi-square test were obtained with p-value menarche age = 0.004 and parity p-value = 0.000, meaning that there was a very large relationship between menarche age and parity with the incidence of uterine myomas. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the earlier the age of menarche increases the risk of uterine myoma later in life. In contrast, slower menarche may be associated with a reduced risk of myomas. Other factors such as genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors also influence the incidence of uterine myomas, but menarche age is one of the significant hormonal indicators of risk