Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Jul 2009)
Bireyler Arasında Çatışma İçerikli Konuşmaların Söylem Çözümlemesi
Speech events showing disagreement such as controversies, polemics, conflicts and disputes are forms of communication. This view implies a set of more specific assumptions: (a) to contribute to this kind of speech event is to perform linguistic acts according to one’s goals and the rules governing this specific form of communication; (b) there is a typical linguistic or pragmatic form of this type of communication. This study investigates the conflict talk used in the Turkish adaptation of a TV game show “Çırak” (“the Apprentice”). The data consist of conversations including disagreement among participants, collected from 5 episodes of Turkish versions of the program. Based on an analytic approach to the nature of the language used in a competitive environment, it is revealed how participants in the show construct their personal impressions in terms of (a) types of moves, (b) types of linguistic expressions showing disagreement and (c) the communicative principles that the other participants seem to follow.