LingVaria (May 2019)

Z etymologii łemkowskich. Cz. III

  • Adam Fałowski,
  • Wiktoria Hojsak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 27


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Lemko Etymologies. Part III The present paper is the third part in the Lemko etymologies series; analysed in it are words beginning with letters Ж–З: жбыр, жґыртати, жґрынджати, жджар, жджок, жоґати, жомба, жуграти, забіль, зайда, заниско (занізка), збаршніти (зборшніти), збрескнути, згацькати, згырити ся, згужвати (зужвати), згусувати ся, зґырцати, здабати, зипы, зрешіти, зуноватися, зьдіватися. Authors attempt to establish the origin of those words, taking into account data from etymological, historical, and dialectal dictionaries of Slavic languages and dialects, as well as from the neighbouring non-Slavic languages, thereby outlining a broad comparative background. They propose additions and corrections to previous etymological findings regarding some of the discussed words.
