Jurnal Wacana Kinerja (Mar 2020)
Good Corparate Governance (GCG) Dalam Penyusunan Kebijkan Publik
Poor condition of public policy and decision makers becomes fundamental problems which influence a sound and good corporate management. In facing the global era and open market colored by tough competition a new paradigm of corporate business which is free from government protection and subsidy and the negative excess of coruption, collusion, and nepotism. Conceptually the effort is by empowering the corporate to create a sound corporate management to be trusted by investors, to be able complete and to bo beneficial for all related partiest in short, it is the application of the good corporate governance. The Application of Good Corporate Governance would be impossible if the corporate concerned stays in a bad environment of governance. Therefore the principle reguared of Good Corporate Governance in Good Governance environment will provide a broad sense of corporate value, either in increasing financial performance, reducing corporate risks which may arise, increasing competitive power, increasing the trusts of investors, stakeholders and public. Finally it is an unavoidable duty of policy makers to consider and include Good Corporate Governmance needs in their policy making process.