Эндодонтия Today (Mar 2020)

Clinical anatomy of mandibular molars according to cone-beam computed tomography study

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Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2
pp. 24 – 28


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202 preliminary studies of CBCT were studied, on which the structure of 404 first and 404 second molars of the lower jaw was studied. It was revealed that the frequency of occurrence of the two root first molars of the mandible was 97% (two-channel 2,5%, three-channel 79%, four-channel 14,3%, five-channel -1,2%), three-root 2,5%, and C- 5%. The prevalence of single-root second molars of the lower jaw was 1%, two-rooted second molars - 87,1% (two-channel 11,6%, three-channel 75%, four-channel 0,5%), three-root - 2,7%, C-shaped 9,2%. The medial mesial canals in the mesial root of the first molars were revealed in 9 patients (4,5%) in 14 teeth (3,4%) and in one second molar in one patient. In the three root first molars, the supercomplete root was always located distally-lingually (radix entomolaris), in the second molars - 1,7% of the teeth were with a supercomplex distal- lingual root (radix entomolaris) and 1% - with a supercomplex mesial-buccal (radix paramolaris).
