Cybergeo (Jul 2022)

Proposals for the use of graphical models in urban climatic maps

  • Laurent Jegou,
  • Najla Touati,
  • Julia Hidalgo



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We suggest applying the chorematic methodology to the processes and issues addressed by the urban climatic mapping framework, i.e., the interdisciplinary discussion and analysis of thematic data, the production of analytic maps, and the creation of recommendation maps to advise urban planners. After introducing the method, its theoretical basis, and its process, we discuss its fitness and present the possibility of its application in this thematic context. We then suggest a first series of applications, for diurnal heat stress and nocturnal urban heat island analysis, as an example and basis for further discussions, based on recent work in the Toulouse agglomeration. We also offer graphical models to express recommendations concerning urban climate issues in Toulouse. The process used the choremes table expanded with dynamic models, according to the multi-step method proposed by H. Théry (1988). The produced models are now entering a test phase to discuss the method with urban planners.
