Stem Cell Research (Mar 2019)
Generation of human iPSCs from fetal prostate fibroblasts HPrF
Human induced pluripotent stem cell line was generated from commercially available primary human prostate fibroblasts HPrF derived from a fetus, aged 18–24 weeks of gestation. The fibroblast cell line was reprogrammed with Yamanaka factors (OCT4, SOX2, c-MYC, KLF4) using CytoTune™-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit. Pluripotency of the derived transgene-free iPS cell line was confirmed both in vitro by detecting the expression of factors of pluripotency on a single-cell level, and in vivo using teratoma formation assay. This iPS cell line will be a useful tool for studying both normal prostate development and prostate cancer disease.