Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación (Oct 2018)
School Management for Change: from Transformational Leadership to Distributed Leadership
The investigation and the experience have demonstrated that the behavior and the attitude of the person who assumes the functions of management in the school are a fundamental that it determines the existence, the quality and the success of processes of change in the school. Of this form, it is possible to affirm that if we want to change the schools and, with it, to improve the education, we needed to have people who exert a leadership from the interior of the school that initiates, impels, facilitates, manages and coordinates the transformation process.This article reviews the investigation on management for the change, starting off of the first moments of the investigation and arriving at the promissory idea of the distributed leadership. With it, we look for to put first on the technical and political debate the necessity to redouble the efforts to obtain a management model that contributes to obtain a quality school for all.