Качественная клиническая практика (Jun 2018)
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of perampanel for resistance partial epilepsy
Partial epilepsy is the most common type of seizures. Th e prevalence of partial epilepsy in Russia reached 325 thousand patients, with resistant to therapy about 276 thousand. Objective. Pharmacoeconomic analysis (PHe) was conducted for perampanel use in patients older than 14 years with resistance partial epilepsy with or without secondary generalization in Russian Federation. Methodology. Th e perspective of PHe was a Ministry of Health and considers only direct medical costs (DC). Th e time horizont of PHe was adopted for 2 years. Th e data source of the clinical effi cacy was two network meta-analyzes. Th ey included randomized controlled clinical trials. Clinical effi cacy (Ef) criteria: reduction of seizures frequency ≥50%, the frequency of the «free from seizures», the frequency of discontinuation due to adverse events. As a criteria of utility were calculated QALY. In developed Markov model the 2-years time horizont calculation is divided into 6-month cycles. By the standards of primary health care for partial epilepsy in adults, we estimated DC for outpatient care, including diagnostic phase and selection of therapy, and remission phase. We conduct cost-eff ectiveness, cost-utility, budget impact and cost savings analysis. Results. Costeff ectiveness ratio (CER) of perampanel per patient (PP) was 613,968 rubles, lacosamid — 712,533 rubles. Cost-utility ratio (CUR) of perampanel PP was 206,045 rubles, lacosamid — 244, 582 rubles. Neither of comparators do not exceed the «willingness to pay» ratio. Sensitivity analysis confi rmed this fi ndings. Budget impact analysis showed that the overall cost of the therapy will be higher in the group of lacosamid at 15.7% then perampanel. Cost savings in favor of perampanel was 30,752 rubles PP within 2 years of therapy. Conclusion. Perampanel is dominant strategy in terms of CER and CUR, which reduce the DC.