European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Aug 2020)
Phenomenology of the Pauli exclusion principle violations due to the non-perturbative generalized uncertainty principle
Abstract New phenomenological implications of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP), a modification of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) are explored in light of constraints arising from underground experiments. An intimate link intertwines the symplectic structure of a theory, which is at the very base of the formulation of the HUP and thus a pillar of quantum mechanics, with the symmetries of space-time and the spin-statistics. Within this wide framework, a large class of non-perturbative GUPs inevitably lead to energy-dependent violations of the total angular momentum conservation rules, and imply hence tiny Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) violating transitions. Exotic PEP violating nuclear transitions can be tested, for example, through extremely high precision data provided by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment. We show that several GUP violations are already ruled out up to the quantum gravity Planck scale.