Logista: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Dec 2021)


  • Ratu Kusuma,
  • Tina Yuli Fatmawati,
  • Julaecha Julaecha

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 294 – 306


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Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Koni Kota Jambi dimana Kelas Ibu Nifas belum dilaksanakan karena memang belum diprogramkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan seperti halnya Kelas Ibu Hamil dan Kelas Ibu Balita. Berdasarkan identifikasi permasalahan mitra ditemukan dua masalah utama yaitu permasalahan pogram dan permasalahan ibu nifas. Pelaksanaan kegiatan telah mulai sejak 19 Oktober 2020 yang diawali dengan identifikasi permasalahan mitra. Kegiatan inti berupa workshop Kelas Ibu Nifas dan Pelaksanaan Kelas Ibu Nifas. Workshop dilaksanakan pada 07-09 Juli 2021 diikuti oleh 23 nakes (8 perawat dan 15 bidan), dan Kelas Ibu Nifas dilaksanakan pada 10, 12 dan 13 Juli 2021 diikuti oleh 7 ibu nifas yang didampingi keluarga dan kader posyandu balita. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan; materi disampaikan dengan menggunakan lima perangkat Kelas Ibu Nifas; melalui ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab dan berbagi pengalaman. Hasil yang capai adalah terbentuknya Kelas Ibu Nifas; terbentuknya struktur organisasi Kelas Ibu Nifas; terlaksananya Kelas Ibu Nifas; peningkatan rerata pengetahuan perawat dan bidan sebesar 5,2 dan rerata sikap 5,5. Peningkatan rerata pengetahuan ibu nifas sebesar 2,3 dan rerata sikap 4,0. Workshop kelas Ibu Nifas dan pelaksanaan Kelas Ibu Nifas mampu merubah perilaku perawat, bidan dan ibu nifas. Kata kunci: pembentukan, pelaksanaan, kelas ibu nifas ABSTRACT This devotion to the community have been done at Koni Health Center Jambi City, so the Postpartum Classes not be done because it has not been programmed by the Ministry of Health in terms of Prenatal Classess and Toddler Mother Classes. According to the identification of partner problems found two main problems are pogram problems and postpartum mother problems. This series of activities began on October 19, 2020 with the identification of partner issues. The core activities are workshops on Postpartum Classes and implementation of Postpartum Classes. The workshop was held on 07-09 July 2021 to 23 health workers (8 nurses and 15 midwives), postpartum classes on 10, 12 and 13 July 2021 attended by 7 postpartum mothers conducting the family and cadre. All activities are carried out by health protocols; the material was delivered using five postpartum classes devices; through lectures, discussions, asking questions and sharing experiences. The result achieved is the formation of Postpartum Classes; the formation of the organizational structure of the Postpartum Classes; the implementation of the Postpartum Classes; an average increase in nurse and midwifery knowledge of 5.2 and an average attitude of 5.5. The average increase in postpartum mothers knowledge was 2.3 and the mean attitude was 4.0. Workshops and Postpartum Classes can change behavior of nurses, midwives and postpartum mothers. Keywords: formation, implementation, postpartum classes