الأستاذ (Jun 2024)

Traveling In the Life of Elizabeth Bishop and Its Impact on Her Literary Output

  • Hanan Ali Hussein Al-Shammari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 63, no. 2


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Abstract: Elizabeth Bishop, a prominent author and poet who lived from 1911 to 1979, holds a significant position in the realm of American literature. The author's body of work encompasses four significant poetry collections, namely "North & South" (1946), "A Cold Spring" (1955), "Questions of Travel" (1965), "The Complete Poems" (1969), and "Geography III" (1976). Elizabeth Bishop's personal and professional life has been extensively examined by numerous experts. "The Politics and Poetics of Travel: Analyzing the Influence of Elizabeth Bishop and P. K. Page's Journeys in Brazil" delves into the exploration of Bishop's experiences in Brazil and their profound impact on her poetic works. Elizabeth Bishop, renowned for her enigmatic interrogations and her investigation of Brazil, presents a challenge when attempting to draw parallels between her personal identity and her poetic works. Bishop's literary corpus encompasses four published volumes of poetry, alongside a collection of unpublished poems. Certain critics who had a significant impact on Bishop's work held the belief that numerous critical concepts were presented using impractical methodologies during the latter half of the 20th century. A comprehensive compilation of scholarly evaluations examines her feminist endeavors, utilization of formal language, journeys, and transient socialist goals during the ten-year period before her demise. This study examines the creative accomplishments, scholarly milieu, and Brazilian heritage of Bishop. This article demonstrates that Bishop's literary trajectory reached its zenith during a period when she drew significant inspiration from global viewpoints, with a special emphasis on Brazil. The protagonist, Bishop, exhibits an unwavering determination in her quest to ascertain her authentic sense of self. In summary, Elizabeth Bishop's geographical transitions have significantly influenced her literary works, particularly evident in her compilation of poems titled "Travel Questions." Bishop adeptly employs her extensive understanding and acute perceptiveness of her environment, societal dynamics, and individuals to skillfully fashion her poetic works. Therefore, she is rightfully acknowledged as a prominent character in American poetry during the 20th century.
