جامعه شناسی کاربردی (Oct 2010)
Sociological Study: The relationship between Social Capital and Body
AbstractAttempts to find out social aspects of the body, have formed the main trend of research and debate forsociologists in recent decades. Body is a phenomenon that can be socially built so its construction andfunctions are matters of social and cultural beliefs. In this study, the relationship between social capital andbody management has been investigated through survey method. For data collection, in this descriptiveanalyticstudy, questionnaires have been used. The sample contains 235 Tabriz University students whichhave been selected using stratified sampling. The findings show that there is positive and significantrelationship (in the %99 confidence level) between body management and social capital. And there is also asignificant relationship (in the confidence level of 99%) among body management and social norms, trust ingroups and institutions and interpersonal relationships and trust. Regression analysis results show that of theindependent variables, interpersonal trust, gender and age have been able to explain 17.2 percent of thevariance of body management (dependent variable).