Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (Jul 2023)
Effective management of Colles fracture using Murivenna and Abha Guggulu – A case report
Colles fracture is the commonest fracture encountered in orthopedic practice that demands prompt therapeutic intervention, and adequate follow-up to ensure complete healing. Various types of fractures, methods of reduction, and healing have been explained in the classical Ayurveda texts. These techniques are scientific and time-tested. This paper aims to report the successful management of Colles fracture case using Ayurveda and modern techniques with the use of Murivenna (an oil-based herbal formulation mentioned in the contemporary texts of Ayurveda), half-cast POP, and aluminum splinted bandage along with the internal medicine Abha Guggulu. A 75-year-old moderately built woman diagnosed with Colles fracture was treated with a closed manipulative reduction technique followed by a below-elbow half-cast POP and an aluminum splint. Murivenna was poured anteriorly to the fractured site and Abha Guggulu was administered internally. Re-bandaging was done on the 7th day and 21st day. The bandage was removed on the 35th day. The patient's condition improved considerably with a good range of wrist movements and then she was advised to commence rehabilitation. This integrative method, adhering to Ayurvedic principles and modern techniques is unique, patient-friendly, and without adverse events.