Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jan 2014)

Les intendants de Mexico : approche prosopographique et relationnelle

  • Marie-Pierre Lacoste



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The introduction of the intendant system in New Spain and its ordinance of 1786 (Real ordenanza para el establecimiento é instruccion de intendentes de exército y provincial en el reino de Nueva-España) have already made the object of numerous studies. Too rare still are however the authors to pay their attention on the intendants themselves. Nevertheless, the latter can be considered as the keystone of the Bourbon’s reforms in the territories of spanish America. Unmistakably, the study of men turns out more than necessity to understand the functioning of the institution. This article proposes, on one hand, through a prosopografic study, to raise the portrait typifies of intendant of Mexico city, capital of viceroyalty of New Spain ; and, on the other hand, tent to reconstitute partially the relational networks of this importants oficials before their apointment. Because it’s doubtless that they benefited from supports to reach this responsibility, considered as one of the most important of Cursus honorum of modern Spain.
