Mediações: Revista de Ciências Sociais (Dec 2008)
Maio-junho de 1968 na FrançaOepicentro de uma crise de hegemonia (parte II)
The author reexamines a cycle of social, political and cultural struggles that evidenced a crisis of hegemony and whose epicenter occurred in May and June of 1968. At their base, the principle political radicalizations of students, workers and new social movements in that year are class struggles, with all that implies in terms of a priori indeterminacy, to the extent that they result from the evolution of the balance of forces that their protagonists cannot control or foresee. If, in that story, not everything is possible, nothing is determined ahead of time, either. Therefore, it was not necessary for this story to end as it (provisionally) concluded. In France, as in other places, history goes on.