Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Oct 2020)
Reliability improvement of power distribution line exposed to extreme icing in Poland
Currently, overhead lines dominate in the Polish medium and low voltage distribution networks. Maintaining their high reliability constitutes a very important challenge, especially under the severely changing climate conditions. An overhead power line exposed to high ice and rime loads has been considered. Using the finite element method (FEM), mechanical reliability of the distribution infrastructure was examined under various atmospheric conditions. Loads under the stressful conditions of rime, ice and wind were determined for the weakest section of the 30 kV overhead line, which consisted of concrete poles and ACSR conductors. SAIDI and SAIFI reliability indices and costs were determined for several variants of object reconstruction. The results allowed for determination of a solution relying on relocating the cables of all lateral branches and main line ice protection, through a system based on a weather-coordinated increase of the electrical load. To verify the solution proposed, a field experiment was conducted. The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the solution proposed that appears to be universal. The paper is a result of synergic cooperation of two academic teams, i.e. a mechanical and electrical power engineering one, and the distribution system operator (DSO).