BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Study of the combined solar heating system of residential houses
The use of renewable energy sources in the heat supply systems of residential houses is one of the urgent issues today. Since solar energy has the highest potential among renewable energy sources, it is widely used in residential heat supply systems. Although solar energy is used in heating systems until now, due to the large number of factors affecting the heating system, research in this field is accelerating. In this research work, a combined scheme for using solar energy in the heating system of residential houses is proposed and the results of pilot studies conducted in the season from November 2020 to February 2021 in the heating system implemented according to this scheme are presented. According to the results of the research, it is possible to cover up to 70% of the heat load in the heating system of residential houses. The information presented in the research work can be used in the design and implementation of energy-efficient solar heating systems.