Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Jun 2003)
Egypt where the Dru::es See/ appeared and Syria, Lebanon and Palesiine where il flourished have been the centres of various civili=ations and phi/osophical currents. Therefore in these lerriorities various frac/ions and schools of many religions have developed. The Druzes first deve!oped same religious currents and thoughts already available in Jsmai/ism such as Hermetic thought, Neo-Piatonism, Gnosticism, the Breılıren of Purity, Manicheism, lndian Plıilosophy and Zoroastrianism and brought the m loge/her in Jsmailism, thus putting fonıoard a new .faith. We can see the traces ofvarious phi/osophical ideas and religions in the, Drıce Sect. However they have not directly (ın ef!ect on the Dru=e Sect, on the contrary through Ismailism. Accordingly; boıh the Dru::e See/ and Drıce thoughts have sprımg from Ismai/ism.