Slavica TerGestina (Jan 1994)
Об одной фонической секвенции в <i>Каменном госте</i> Пушкина
This paper examines the role of the -val-/-lav- phonological sequences which create the semantic centre of the Don Juan theme in world literature and parallel folk texts, and concentrates on the Stone Guest by Pushkin. The phonological equivalence of the Spanish cavalera/cavallero, and Buslaevic/golova/valjatisja in the Russian bylina is the most important line generating semantic and dramaturgic constructions. The sequential structure of the text accomplishes the motif of punishment/forgiveness in the relations of the three main characters (Don Juan=Diego de Calvado, Dona Anna de Solva, Don Alvar) and in the author’s final instruction the sequences collapse (provalivajutsja).