Опухоли женской репродуктивной системы (Sep 2016)
Analysis of the diagnostic efficacy of digital mammography
In the paper we analyzed radiographic findings related by the radiologist to BI-RADS 4 (68 patients) and BI-RADS 5 (38 patients) depending on the nature of histologic findings. Digital mammography allows to perform a more accurate estimation of pathological process in the breast due to computer image processing. This can improve diagnosis of early breast cancer. In analyzing the findings referred to BI-RADS 4 we noted significantly much higher (up to 20.59 ± 4.89 %) detection rate of breast cancer compared to analog mammography. Breast cancer was confirmed histologically in 97.37 ± 6.16 % of patients with BI-RADS 5. Definable node formation was the leading symptom in BI-RADS 5 cases and was observed in 26 patients (68.42 ± 6.14%). An average node size was 2.12 ± 0.19 cm, which corresponds to T2 category.