Alexandria Engineering Journal (Apr 2020)
A comparative study on the role of nanoparticle dispersion in electroosmosis regulated peristaltic flow of water
A comparative investigation is carried to examine the combined peristalsis and electroosmosis driven flow of silver-water nanofluid and silicon dioxide–water nanofluid through a porous medium. The fluid flow is taken through a symmetric flow channel. The flow problem is formulated mathematically under the influence mixed convection and heat source. No-slip conditions are employed across channel walls. Electroosmotic phenomenon is modeled through Poisson equation and Nernst –Planck equation. Debye-Hückel approximation is considered to obtain Boltzmann distribution of electric potential across electric double layer (EDL). Mathematical model is linearized subject to long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumption. Obtained system of equations are executed for exact solution. Impact of various involved parameters on flow properties is illustrated through graphical results.It is found that SiO2-water nanofluid moves faster than Ag-water nanofluid. Also temperature profile is lower for Ag-water nanofluid than that of SiO2-water nanofluid. Trapping phenomenon is thoroughly examined subject to electroosmosis. Helmholtz—Smoluchowski velocity parameter raises the fluid velocity for its negative values and velocity decays for its positive values. Reduction in thickness of EDL tends to increase the fluid velocity and decrease the pressure gradient. Fluid bolus disappears for thinner EDL.