Journal of Pediatric Research (Dec 2019)
Determination of Perceived Social Support and Burnout Levels of Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability
Aim:The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between the perceived social support and burnout levels of the mothers of intellectually disabled (ID) children and the affecting factors.Materials and Methods:This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in the fourteen Special Training and Rehabilitation Centers in the city center of Trabzon between 1st June 2014 and 30th November 2014. The sample of the study consisted of 128 mothers who had 6-14 year old children with intellectual disability. The data of the study were collected using the Personal Information Form, Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Results:In this study, more than half of the mothers were determined to have difficulty in the care of their ID children. These mothers were found to have difficulty mostly because of financial problems and their children’s aggressive behavior. It was determined that the relationships of one third of these mothers with their husbands and one fourth with their healthy children and relatives were negatively affected. The burnout levels of these mothers who had difficulty in the care of their ID children, were secondary school graduate, had an extended family, were unemployed, were on social security, and an ID boy, were found to be higher. In this study, while higher Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support scores of the mothers were good it was unwanted stiuation their burnout levels were above the mean.Conclusion:It is recommended to determine multiple factors causing burnout in the mothers of ID children, accordingly to support mothers using a multi-factorial team approach through different studies to be conducted concerning this matter, and for mothers to take short vacations and participate in activities they like.