Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (Apr 2016)
Analysis of possibility of competition distances’ combinations, realized by elite swimmers on the base of individual indicators of technical-tactic actions
Purpose: to find out possibility of competition, different by length distances’ but with same structure of fulfilled movements combinations, realized by elite swimmers. Material: the tested group consisted of participants of European, 2014 championship final starts. We analyzed performances of men and women at distances 50, 100 and 200 meters (in total 12 distances for every swimmer). Results: we determined time and space characteristics of swimmers’ technical-tactic actions. Correlation of indicators of final starts participants’ competition functioning and indicators of sportsmen, who won medals at these distances was determined. We found elements of competition functioning, in fulfillment of which sportsmen’s individual features are manifested most of all. Conclusions: the fulfilled analysis of competition functioning of European championship final starts’ participants permits to say that elite swimmers (breaststroke style) are able to achieve high results at competition distances of different length, with definite level of technical-tactic fitness. Conclusions: individual potentials of elite swimmers permit to use different technical-tactic variants of distance covering. That is why the sportsmen are able to demonstrate high results at competition distances of different length with equal structure of fulfilled movements.