Payesh (Jan 2009)
Estimation of crude death rate with application of capture - recapture methods
Objective(s): To estimate accuracy of Crude Death Rate (CDR) for the country using mortality data from Gorgan, Iran. Methods: Three sources of mortality information in Gorgan were used for estimating the undercount in mortality data. There are some methods for estimating undercount in mortality data. In this study, we estimated it by three different ways of capture-recapture methods. We use Peterson-Chapman, log linear and coverage estimators. Results: The rate of undercount in mortality data by estimate of Peterson and Loglinear was 16.3 and by estimate of coverage method was 18.3. According to these rates the CDR for country is estimated 5.57 and 5.7 in 1000 respectively. Conclusion: Estimated crude death rate for Iran in this study is not significantly different from International Organizations such as UNDP and UNICEF estimation. Their estimation is 5.5 and 5 respectively.