IET Image Processing (Nov 2024)
SEY‐Net: Semantic edge Y‐shaped network for pancreas segmentation
Abstract Pancreas segmentation has great significance in computer‐aided diagnosis of pancreatic diseases. The small size of the pancreas, high variability in shape, and blurred edges make the task of pancreas segmentation challenging. A new model called SEY‐Net is proposed to solve the above problems, which is a one‐stage model with multi‐inputs. SEY‐Net is composed of three main components. Firstly, the edge information extraction (EIE) module is designed to improve the segmentation accuracy of the pancreas boundary. Then, the SE_ResNet50 is selected as the encoder's backbone to fit the size of the pancreas. Finally, the dual cross‐attention is integrated into the skip connection to better focus on the variable shape of the pancreas. The experimental results shows that the proposed method has better performance and outperforms the other existing state‐of‐the‐art pancreas segmentation methods.