Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Feb 2021)
Actions developed at the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira to confront the COVID-19 pandemic
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Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has brought countless challenges to the health institutions around the world, especially those located in countries such as Brazil, with large territorial dimensions and many social and economic differences. This technical report aims to publish the actions carried out and the products developed at the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP) before and during the pandemic - from January 31st to September 4th, 2020 - facing it efficiently and effectively, seeking institutional sustainability. The mobilization of the professional staff at the institution was fundamental to create protocols ofas-sistance, adapt the physical structures in the hospital and outpatient care, care for the health professionals, offer teaching and research activities in the distance mode, articulate management members to make decisions based on systematically collected data on the pandemic situationat real time. All actions were carried out with a single objective of assisting all the patients affected by COVID-19 admitted at the institution.