Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français (Oct 2020)
Cent ans de relations géographie physique/géographie humaine : innovation ou statu quo ?
The exploration of the Bulletins of the Association of French Geographers since 1924 reveals a double paradigm : that of the dichotomous approach, opposing the human realities to the realities of nature but also that of the bias of the analytical approach of objects of nature, reinforcing divisions into subdisciplines of physical geography. During the 100 years, during the initial phase, until the years 1950-1960, the natural environment is central ; then from the 1960s to the 1990s, the period is dominated by the approach of the natural components of space, unrelated to human societies ; finally, since the 1990s, issues of territorialized nature management predominate. The evolution shows a decline of operational stakeholders in favor of the academic world. The geography of the studied sites makes it possible to approach the question of the stakes of this geographical research. The Critical Physical Geography, little developed in France, allows to shed light on the motivations and presuppositions of this French geography seen through the BAGF and for which it is possible to formulate a certain number of recommendations.