جامعه شناسی کاربردی (Mar 2016)
The Analysis of Effective Factors on Social Disorder (with Emphasis on Littering)
IntroductionSocial order include the high importance in every society. The Disturbing in the social order will contain a lot of costs for society. Littering is an example of citizensâ social disorder in field of environmental citizenship that is transformed as social problem in our society. The purpose of this research is Analysis of effective factors on social disorder (with emphasis on littering).in this research has used Paul stern synthesis approach for analyzing the littering.What is littering?Whilst there is no official definition of litter, the broadly accepted definition of litter (as used by ENCAMS and Keep Britain Tidy) is âwaste in the wrong place caused by human agencyâ. This means that littering behaviors are more complex than might be expected; in addition to simply âdroppingâ litter, it includes other sub-behaviors such as folding Rapid Evidence Review of Littering Behavior and Anti-Litter Policies litter up and tucking it into small spaces, placing litter down carefully in a chosen location, and leaving litter nearby for a length of time before abandoning itWith regarding to importance of social order in ever society, we try to explain effective causes on social disorder with emphasis on littering as one example of social problem in field of environment citizenship.Materials and MethodsThe method of the research is survey and data is collected from 385 tourists of Mazandaran province by questionnaires with multi-stage cluster sampling. After gathering information, Research hypotheses were analyzed by using SPSS and Amos packages. We used Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling (SEM) for testing our hypothesis and model.Dependent variable in the research is littering and independent variables include: weak environmental attitudes, social control, lack of responsibility, negative sense on litter, littering by others, the habit, and anonymity, Absence of services and lack of environmental information. Discussion and ResultsThis study has shown that tourists littering scale is average level to upward. The data in this study were collected between 385 tourists of Mazandaran province. The data present that % 50/4 respondents are female and %49/6 male and the average age is 30 years. It was determined on the basis of data obtained from independent variables; about 70 percent of respondents have Weak social norms in the littering context. Responsible feel is for half of the respondents in the average. Over 35% of respondents are habit to littering. More than half the respondents, 74% agree with the loss of services.  The results of the pearsonian correlation show that there is significant relation between weak environmental attitudes, social control, lack of responsibility, negative sense on litter, littering by others, the habit, anonymity, Absence of services and lack of environmental information with littering. Also on the path model, all of the variables in the research can explain 36 percent from variances in dependent variable (littering).ConclusionsLittering is one of the important problems in our society.it has imposed much costs to society. A key to the success of any litter prevention activity is to clean up and remove existing litter. Reducing the amount of existing litter in a location is a surefire way to reduce the rate of littering behavior.so it is necessary that change attitude of people toward environment and increase knowledge about pollution risks. One way to promote individual-level motivations is through outreach and media messages.With regarding the results of the research, littering was based on the tow type of factors: individual and structural factors. So, we should notice to this tow levels in planning on field of environmental citizenship specially littering.in the individual level, we should change social norms toward pro-environment values in society. Citizen should like the nature and behave with it as a capital. And in the structural level, state and correspondent organization should make and improve possibilities in management of litter and waste.