Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat (Mar 2017)
Peranan Dinasti Abbasiyah Terhadap Peradaban Dunia
Abbasiyah empire is which one empire in Islam. In History, Abbasiyah empire is top empire, so we called it as “The Golden Age of Islam”. This empire exist when Umayyah empire had fallen in Damaskus. Umayyah’s generation (Abdu al-Rahman al-Dakhil) escape from Abbasiyah empire and went to Andalusia. And automatically Abbasiyah empire exist in Damaskus. After Abbasiyah could controlled moslems in Damaskus, they changed governance center to Baghdad. In Baghdad, they developed sciences. They translated manuscript foreign languages to Arabic. Beside it, Abu Ja’far al-Manshur was building Baitul Hikmah as a library and center of sciences development.