Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Jun 2022)

"On ma tylko i wyłącznie światłość w sobie". O językowej kreacji Boga w dyskursie internetowym na przykładzie wideoblogów o. Adama Szustaka

  • Barbara Drozd

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 25
pp. 7 – 24


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The article concerns the linguistic image of God in the Internet space on the example of the “Wstawaki” series published for several years on the “Langusta na Palmie” YouTube channel. The development of the Internet contributed to the dissemination of religious topic and to its transformations. The aim of the article is to try to answer the following questions: What image of God exists in the network? How is it conceptualized? Is it the same as the conventional image known from church sermons and the Bible? Has the internet space and the attempt to reach a wide audience changed the image of God, and thus led to the transformation of discourse on religion?
