Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (Mar 2024)
Hydrogen fuel cell electric trains: Technologies, current status, and future
Trains have been a crucial part of modern transport, and their high energy efficiency and low greenhouse gas emissions make them ideal candidates for the future transport system. Transitioning from diesel trains to hydrogen fuel cell electric trains is a promising way to decarbonize rail transport. That's because the fuel cell electric trains have several advantages over other electric trains, such as lower life-cycle emissions and shorter refueling time than battery ones, and less requirements for wayside infrastructure than the ones with overhead electric wires. However, hydrogen fuel technology still needs to be advanced in areas including hydrogen production, storage, refueling, and on-board energy management. Currently, there are several pilot projects of hydrogen fuel cell electric trains across the globe, especially in developed countries, including one commercialized and permanent route in Germany. The experiences from the pilot projects will promote the technological and economic feasibility of hydrogen fuel in rail transport.