Tropicultura (Jan 2004)
Faiblesse de la main-d'oeuvre familiale et diversification des activités dans les exploitations agricoles de la zone cotonnière en Centrafrique
Weakness of Family Man Power and Diversification of Farms Activities in the Cotton Zone of Central African Republic. In the cotton zone of Central African Republic, farmers have diversified their activities despite the weakness of the family man power. This study was to understand management practices of man power that allowed farmers to insure the diversification of their activities. The progress of this study is based on a close follow up of 30 farms during three agricultural seasons. In addition observations on the global management practices of farms, coupled to discussions with the farmers and their family, has allowed to complete data collected during the follow up. Results have shown that farmers have realized the diversification of activities by having recourse to the external work force which represented on an average 42% of the total man power used on the exploitation. This diversification has allowed them to have monetary incomes all along the year and has limited risks of unbalance between incomes and expenses, leading to the stability of treasury. Thus, technical support (Advice) to farmers must not only take into account the family man power available, but also their capacity to resort to the external man power.