Зерновое хозяйство России (May 2018)
Активность пероксидазы и показателей перекисного окисления липидов в прорастающих семенах озимой пшеницы после УФ-облучения
The activity of peroxidase and lipid peroxidation in germinating seeds of winter wheat after UV-irradiation The article considers the regularities of peroxidase activity in the processes of swelling and germination of wheat seeds and the indexes of lipid peroxidase in wheat germs irradiated by UV-source of mercury-quartz lamp BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 (with irradiation of 30 W/m2) at a distance of 25 cm from the seeds. This ferment participates in the synthesis of auxin and ethylene, in nitrogen metabolism, growth and respiratory processes of the seeds. Due to vast substrate specificity the ferment’ activity is able to appear similarly to the properties of oxidase. Therefore the activity of peroxidase increases with the seed respiratory process during the germination stage. To evaluate the activity of peroxidase in the seeds of the wheat variety ‘Rostovchanka 5’ in dependence on the time of swelling at 5°С(1) and at 23°С(2), we carried out soaking of the seeds preliminary irradiated by UV-source of mercury-quartz lamp BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 in distilled water. The intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in various organs can serve as a criterion for assessing the nonspecific adaptive capabilities of the organism. The use of ultraviolet light sources (mercury-quartz lamps) for irradiation, as inductors of planting qualities and biochemical properties of seeds, increases their level of LPO and the content of antioxidants. The conducted trials showed that the decrease of peroxidase activity was accompanied with the increase of LPO level. The selected irradiation regimes during 5 and 60 minutes allowed establishing that it was the long irradiation of seeds by UV-source of mercury-quartz lamp BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 during 60 minutes that increased seed germination on 12-15%.