RIDE (Dec 2023)
Catullus Online
Catullus Online, a collection of the author’s poems and a repository of the conjectures collected through the centuries, was published by Dániel Kiss with the support of the Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, in 2013. Kiss faced many difficulties in the creation of such a resource, both from a technical standpoint and from the inner complexity of the philological tradition behind Catullus and his poems. He still ended up creating a rather interesting Scholarly Digital Edition, which has made such work more accessible, even to those that don’t typically belong in the academic world, offering the possibility to access high-quality photos of the manuscripts, a curated apparatus and much other information about the texts and the author, with just a simple click. What is mostly missing in this project is a more sophisticated digital interface, a lost opportunity to further enhance the quality of such a Scholarly Digital Edition.