Edukasia: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam (Sep 2014)


  • Wahyuning Widiyastuti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2


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Proses perkembangan sistem pembelajaran yang diterapkan di STAIN Kudus sepenuhnya diarahkan ke dalam transformasi menuju kepada pola-pola dasar yang yang telah dikonstitusikan. Dalam konstitusi keilmuan yang ingin dikembangkan, perspektif tentang Islam Transformatif menjadi landasarn utama pengembangan keilmuan yang dirumuskan. Berpijak kepada beberapa kebijakan yang telah dirumuskan oleh pemerintah, penelitian ini menelaah landasan filosofis evaluasi pembelajaran dalam perspektif pengembangan keilmuan STAIN. Dari rumusan penelitian ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa landasan filosofis evaluasi yang dikembangkan di STAIN Kudus dirancang seutuhnya bersandar kepada Pola Ilmiah Pokok yang telah ditetapkan. Usaha transformasi dari teks ke konteks, individu ke sosial, dari teoritis ke wilayah praksis menjadi lokomotif dasar dalam pengembangan kurikulum STAIN Kudus. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Pembelajaran, Kurikulum, Filosofis EVALUATION OF LEARNING SYSTEM (Reviewing Philosophic Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in STAIN Kudus). In the process of teaching and learning development, a learning system that is applied in STAIN Kudus fully geared towards the transformation into the basic patterns that have been constituted. In the science constitution, a perspective on Transformative Islam becomes a major foundation in formulated scientific development. Based on some policies that have been formulated by the government, this research reviewed philosophy fondation of learning evaluation in the science development perspective of STAIN. This research revealed that the philosophical foundation of evaluation developed in STAIN Kudus is designed completely rely on the pattern of Principal Scientific predetermined. Enterprises transformation from text to context, the individual to the social, from the theoretical to the practical region became the basis for curriculum development in STAIN Kudus. Keywords: Evaluation, Learning , Curriculum, Philosophical