Biology Open
(Dec 2022)
Latest trends in bioimaging and building a proactive network of early-career young scientists around bioimaging in Europe
- Hana Valenta,
- Nathan Quiblier,
- Valerio Laghi,
- Clément Cabriel,
- Justine Riti
- Hana Valenta
Department of Chemistry, Lab for Nanobiology, KU Leuven, Leuven 3001, Belgium
- Nathan Quiblier
GDR Imabio, CNRS, France
- Valerio Laghi
GDR Imabio, CNRS, France
- Clément Cabriel
GDR Imabio, CNRS, France
- Justine Riti
GDR Imabio, CNRS, France
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11,
no. 12
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