High-purity DNA extraction from animal tissue using picking in the TRIzol-based method
Ye Yin Bo,
Li Dong Liang,
Yang Jiang Hua,
Zhang Zhao,
Mei Si Yao,
Liu Bao Shan,
Chen Ze Liang
Ye Yin Bo
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
Li Dong Liang
2Beijing Animal Disease Prevention & Control Center, Beijing 102609, China
Yang Jiang Hua
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
Zhang Zhao
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
Mei Si Yao
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
Liu Bao Shan
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
Chen Ze Liang
1Key Laboratory of Livestock Infectious Diseases in Northeast China, Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province 110866, China
TRIzol is used for the extraction of RNA, DNA and proteins from tissues or cells. Here, we present a simple picking method to extract DNA from tissues using TRIzol. Spectrophotometric analysis showed that the 260/280 and 260/230 nm optical density ratio of the picking method's DNA is ideal and better than that obtained by the classic TRIzol method. Gel electrophoresis showed that there was no RNA contamination, and the DNA had not degraded. DNA extracted by the picking method had the same performance in restriction enzyme digestion and quantitative PCR as that obtained by the traditional method. Viral DNA in the infected tissue was also obtained. This modified method facilitates various molecular biology assays.