Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing (Sep 2024)
Developing the First Digital Occupational Therapy Dictionary Worldwide: A Promising Mobile Application Model for Occupational Therapy Service Providers and Recipients
The purpose of this study was to develop the first English-Arabic occupational therapy dictionary mobile application that could be used by occupational therapy service providers and recipients and help fill the gap in understanding and communicating occupational therapy services. Google Play Store and App Store application stores were searched first to identify any current electronic occupational therapy dictionary. While developing the dictionary concept and structure, end users’ needs, language, and culture were taken into consideration applying a user-friendly design, functionalities, and an easy-to-understand language with illustrative visual representations. Our search for currently available electronic occupational therapy dictionaries did not identify any mobile application on the official application stores for iPhone and Android. As a result, a conceptual model was created to develop a mobile application aiming to develop a comprehensive and user-friendly mobile electronic dictionary with over 2400 scientific terms translated and annotated from English to Arabic, more than 350 illustrative pictures, and special features to assist occupational therapy professionals and occupational therapy services recipients in looking up and understanding terminology used in rehabilitation and occupational therapy in the most convenient, fastest, and easiest way possible. The occupational therapy dictionary mobile application has helped create a unified terminology and a common language of shared understanding, proved to be a helpful tool of communicating important messages between Arab occupational therapy professionals and community members through providing an easy access to up-to-date comprehensive English-Arabic lexicography in occupational therapy. It has become the first digital occupational therapy dictionary worldwide and has been made available for everyone to download from Google Play and App Store on their smartphones, computers, or tablets free of charge. Further research is urgently needed for quality improvement and to further enrich Arabic content in occupational therapy through developing evidence-based mobile tools to be used in occupational therapy practice by Arabic-speaking population.