Journal of Pedagogical Research (Oct 2023)

Attitude in mediating the relationship between emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, emotional sensitivity, and teacher performance in Indonesian schools

  • Edi Kuswanto,
  • Noor Malihah,
  • Muh Saerozi,
  • Imam Subqi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 5
pp. 122 – 135


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This study aims to examine the role of attitude in mediating the relationship between emotional maturity, emotional intelligence and emotional sensitivity to teacher performance. This study used a quantitative approach involving 101 teachers from various levels in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia. Data was collected through a questionnaire using 5 Likert scale. The data Processing using SEM PLS version 3.2.9 to test exogenous variables against endogenous variables. The results show that emotional intelligence and emotional sensitivity can shape teacher performance, however, emotional maturity canot shape teacher performance significantly. On the other hand, teacher emotioanl intelligence has been proven to be a strong predictor in shaping teachers’ attitutde, while attitude cannot shape teacher performance. Therefore, it can be said that attitude cannot shape the teacher performance.
