Nordina: Nordic Studies in Science Education (Jan 2022)
Fritidshemmet - en förbisedd potential i arbetet med lärande för hållbar utveckling?
School-Age Educare is an integrated part of the Swedish compulsory school organization, focusing social relations, children's interests and play. Although included in the national school curriculum, there is a lack of knowledge of if and how School-Age Educare currently work with the mandatory task of education for sustainable development (ESD). This article thus seeks to examine the educational potentials, but also possible need for support, of School-Age Educare in relation to ESD. Through analyzing 453 teachers responses to a questionnaire with open and closed questions, we reveal that most teachers find ESD important, but also want to learn more about it. There is potential in the educational task, and pedagogical approach, supporting ESD as a transactional and pragmatic approach. The constrains contributing to ESD lies in the somewhat absent awareness among the teachers themselves, but also in the limited resources and time available of carrying out sustainability education at the centers.