Проблеми сучасної психології (Nov 2024)
Adaptive and Maladaptive Relationships between Parents and Children of Senior School Age in Different Groups of Families
The purpose of this article is: to describe adaptive and maladaptive relationships between parents and children of senior school age in different groups of families, taking into account dominant strategies of the activity, behavior, their styles and types. Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The pilot research was used as an empirical method. The results of the research. We proved that significant socio-psychological factors that predetermined the formation of destructive manifestations of aggression of children in the system of parent-child relations, were: a socially unacceptable way of life of the family, disturbances in its structure and functioning, intra-family communication and interaction, psychological, physical, sexual violence committed against the child. Conclusions. The main factor determining the specificity of manifestations of aggression of children is a psychological type of attitude of parents to the child and vice versa. At the same time, authoritarian-aggressive tactics of parents, their characteristics of a psychological type of parental attitude “hypersocialization”, form indirectly manifested by children reciprocal-aggressive attitude towards parents. Emotional and physical distancing, characteristic for the psychological type of parental attitude, such as “rejection”, forms the child’s ability to confront them aggressively. Dominant-suppressive attitude of parents, characteristic for the parental type of attitude of “Infantilization”, belittling individual-psychological characteristics and devaluing the personal achievements and aspirations of the child, provide his/her psychological “occupation” by parents, help to actualize the characteristics of the “symbiosis” type of attitude, suppressing the child as a person, form undisguised helplessness and egoism, negativism and hostility of children.