PLoS ONE (Jan 2016)

Resveratrol-Mediated Repression and Reversion of Prostatic Myofibroblast Phenoconversion.

  • Mehrnaz Gharaee-Kermani,
  • Bethany B Moore,
  • Jill A Macoska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 7
p. e0158357


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Resveratrol, a phytoalexin found in berries, peanuts, grapes, and red wine, inhibits oxidation, inflammation, and cell proliferation and collagen synthesis in multiple cell types and or animal models. It represses collagen deposition in the vasculature, heart, lung, kidney, liver, and esophagus in animal models and may have some utility as an anti-fibrotic. Recent studies have shown that increased collagen deposition and tissue stiffness in the peri-urethral area of the prostate are associated with lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) and urinary obstructive symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine whether Resveratrol might be useful to inhibit or revert TGFβ- and/or CXCL12-mediated myofibroblast phenoconversion of prostate fibroblasts in vitro, and therefore whether the use of anti-fibrotic therapeutics might be efficacious for the treatment of LUTD.Primary prostate and lung tissues were explanted and fibroblast monolayers expanded in vitro. Primary and N1 immortalized prostate stromal fibroblasts, as well as primary fibroblasts cultured from a normal lung and one affected by idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) for comparison, were grown in serum-free defined media supplemented with vehicle, TGFβ or CXCL12, pre- or post-treatment with Resveratrol, and were evaluated using immunofluorescence for alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) and collagen I (COL1) protein expression and assessed for cell proliferation, apoptosis, and COL1 and EGR1 transcript expression.This study showed that low concentrations of Resveratrol (≤50 μM) had no effect on N1 or primary prostate fibroblast cell proliferation, apoptosis, or COL1 or EGR1 gene transcription but repressed and reversed myofibroblast phenoconversion. As expected, these same effects were observed for IPF lung fibroblasts though higher levels of Resveratrol (≥100uM) were required. Taken together, these data suggest that, like lung fibroblasts, prostate fibroblast to myofibroblast phenoconversion can be both repressed and reversed by Resveratrol treatment. Thus, anti-fibrotic therapeutics might be efficacious for the treatment of LUTD.