臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2017)

當今大學教師的政治、經濟、社會地位解析:Weber學派的觀點 Analysis of the Current Political, Economic and Social Status of University Faculty: A Weberian Perspective

  • 林大森 Da-Sen Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 1 – 42


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本研究探討少子化浪潮下,大學教師地位的轉變。過去研究多以新馬克思主義觀點,本研究採Weber學派,以政治、經濟與社會多面向分析大學教師的權力、生產與聲望。本研究以質性研究進行,針對15位現職教師深入訪談。研究發現有三:一、評鑑制度化與教學e化使得教師規範學生的權力被限制、學校考核教師的權力卻放大,壓縮教師的工作自主性,乃是Weber宣稱的合理化與科層制所導致;二、由於少子化,大學教師被賦予招生任務,學術或招生可以信念倫理與責任倫理加以解釋;三、因為知識份子的傳統刻板印象,民眾對於大學教師相當敬重,這與教師自身的信念未必一致。由於教師理念所創造出來的「世界圖像」,引領著教師繼續從事這個並不輕鬆的工作。 This study aims at exploring changes in the status of university faculty as a result of the current tide of sub-replacement fertility. While past studies have applied a Neo-Marxist viewpoint, this study adopts a Weberian perspective to analyze the authority, production and reputation of university faculty in terms of political, economic and social dimensions. Three findings are described, as follows: First, institutionalized evaluation and e-teaching have constrained the authority of faculty over students, while the power of universities to regulate faculty has expanded, serving to suppress the degree of autonomy that can be exercised by faculty in their jobs. This can be seen as a result of what Weber has called “rationalization and bureaucracy”. Second, university faculty are now required to take part in student recruitment. Academic work or recruitment can be explained in terms of the ethics of conviction and the ethics of responsibility. Third, the public continues to hold a relatively respectful attitude towards university faculty, which is inconsistent with the self-perception of university faculty themselves. The “world image” constructed from the idea of the teacher has therefore led university faculty to continue in this far-from-easy work.
