European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Oct 2018)
Renormalizability of $${\mathcal {N}}=1$$ N=1 super Yang–Mills theory in Landau gauge with a Stueckelberg-like field
Abstract We construct a vector gauge invariant transverse field configuration $$V^H$$ VH , consisting of the well-known superfield V and of a Stueckelberg-like chiral superfield $$\Xi $$ Ξ . The renormalizability of the Super Yang Mills action in the Landau gauge is analyzed in the presence of a gauge invariant mass term $$m^2 \int dV {\mathcal {M}}(V^H)$$ m2∫dVM(VH) , with $${\mathcal {M}}(V^H)$$ M(VH) a power series in $$V^H$$ VH . Unlike the original Stueckelberg action, the resulting action turns out to be renormalizable to all orders.