Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Jun 2012)
Discrepâncias entre o informe verbal e os registros no cartão da gestante, um instrumento negligenciado Discrepancies between verbal information and the records in pregnant woman card, a neglected instrument
OBJETIVO: Comparar o preenchimento do cartão da gestante em serviço-escola e em outros serviços, assim como verificar a concordância entre esses registros e as informações verbais das puérperas. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo epidemiológico, transversal, misto, com duas etapas, adotando amostragem estratificada proporcional ao número de partos. Na primeira, os registros no cartão da gestante de um serviço-escola foram comparados aos de unidades não vinculadas ao ensino superior na área de saúde, em Recife (PE). Na segunda etapa, foram coletadas informações sobre o pré-natal de puérperas, por meio de questionário semiestruturado. Foram incluídas 262 puérperas com mais de 19 anos de idade, que portavam o cartão da gestante quando do parto, ocorrido entre maio e julho de 2008. Foram empregados testes estatísticos do χ², t de Student ou de Mann-Whitney, todos unicaudais à direita, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: As informações mais frequentemente registradas no cartão da gestante, no serviço-escola, foram escolaridade (86,5 contra 70,3%; p=0,002), estado civil (83,7 contra 70,9%; p=0,01), peso anterior à gestação (72,1 contra 46,8%; pPURPOSE: To compare the filling out of the prenatal care card of pregnant women at a school-service and other services, as well as to verify the concordance between these records and verbal information provided by the puerperae. METHODS: A two-stage epidemiological, cross-sectional study was performed with stratified sampling, proportional to number of births. In the first stage, the information recorded on the prenatal care card in the school-service was compared to that recorded in units not linked to higher health education in Recife (PE). In the second stage, the information about prenatal care was collected with a semi-structured questionnaire applied to women during the puerperal period. A total of 262 puerperae older than 19 years, who had a prenatal care card at the time of delivery were included in the study from May to July 2008. Data were analyzed statistically by the χ² test, Student´s t-test or Mann-Whitney test, all one-sided to the right, with the level of significance set at 5%. RESULTS: The information more often recorded on the prenatal care card in the school-service was: schooling (86.5 versus 70.3%; p=0.002), marital status, (83.7 versus 70.9%; p=0.01), weight prior to pregnancy (72.1 versus 46.8%; p<0.001), height (62.5 versus 45.6%; p=0.007), and educational practices (76.9 versus 11.4%; p<0.001) and, at other services, only birth weight <2,500 g (15.4 versus 27.2% at the school-service; p=0.02). There were significant discrepancies between data obtained by verbal information and the prenatal care records of the pregnant women. At the school-service, 40.3% of pregnant women received adequate prenatal care versus 20.3% at other units. CONCLUSIONS: In all services, there was a predominance of recorded information directly related to delivery, while information about actions with preventive characteristics during prenatal care was neglected.