Science of Tsunami Hazards (Jan 2013)
ASSESSMENT OF TSUNAMI GENERATION POTENTIAL THROUGH RAPID ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC PARAMETERS Case study: Comparison of the Sumatra Earthquakes of 6 April and 25 October 2010
The purpose of the research was to estimate P-wave rupture durations (Tdur), dominant periods (Td) and rupture durations greater than 50 seconds (T50Ex) for two large, shallow earthquakes, which occurred off the coast of Sumatra on 6 April and 25 October 2010. Although both earthquakes had similar parameters of magnitude and focal depth, the 25 October event (Mw=7.8) generated a tsunami while the 6 April event (Mw=7.8) did not. Analysis of the above stated parameters helped understand the mechanisms of tsunami generation of these two earthquakes. Measurements from vertical component broadband P-wave quake velocity records and determination of the above stated parameters could provide a direct procedure for assessing rapidly the potential for tsunami generation. The results of the present study and the analysis of the seismic parameters helped explain why one event generated a tsunami, while the other one did not.